

1. 接受条款.  Welcome to this website ("website") which is published by a 国外博彩app ("SU") education, 研究, or service area (internal or external to SU). 使用本网站纯属自愿. 通过使用本网站, you consent to the collection and use of your personally identifiable information ("PII") and non-personal information as described in this Online 隐私声明. This Online 隐私声明 governs the use and disclosure of information collected through this website.

2. Non-Personal Information 国外博彩app Collects From You.  SU automatically collects information about your Internet connection, including but not limited to:

  • The Internet Protocol (IP) address and name of the Internet domain you used to access the Internet;
  • The IP address of the website from which you linked directly to a SU;
  • The date and time you accessed a SU website;
  • The pages you visited; and
  • The web browser and operating system you used to access a SU website.

This information ("non-personal information") does not identify you personally unless you also provided personal information such as name, 用户名, Email, 邮寄地址, 社交网络信息, 电话号码. SU uses information to monitor the effectiveness of this website and to consider potential improvements to this website. SU may combine collected data from your visit to the website with additional information from SU.

3. Personally Identifiable Information 国外博彩app Might Collect From You. SU may request that you voluntarily provide certain PII to participate in the password-protected areas, 下载信息, 加入SU邮件列表, 从事支付交易, or for other purposes (as defined in the 网站使用条款和条件). SU does not collect any PII about you when you visit this website unless you give SU that information. You may choose not to provide PII via this website.

4. Use of Your Personally Identifiable Information. Unless there are restrictions on use of your PII or unless SU tells you otherwise, SU (or third parties engaged by SU) may use your PII to:

  • Administer your participation in this website;
  • Communicate information SU thinks may be of interest to you;
  • Fulfill your requests for services or materials;
  • 联系你;
  • 进行研究或调查;
  • Respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process; and
  • Establish or exercise SU's legal rights or defend against legal claims.

5. 分享你的信息.   SU may disclose your PII to other authorized users of this website. SU may use third party service providers and suppliers to facilitate this website and the services SU provides, 他们可能会访问个人身份信息. Authorized users are SU employees or third parties who have been granted access and have a need to know the information collected in order to fulfill SU's mission and business needs. SU may disclose PII to other affiliated institutions and/or if SU is required to do so by law.  For further information, please read the 国外博彩app Data 隐私政策: http://imminentness.dominikcumhuriyeti.net/policies/

6. Cookies的使用. 西雅图 U uses various technologies such as cookies, 像谷歌分析这样的网络分析, 小应用程序, 脚本, 服务器日志, 自定义URL参数, 跟踪像素, 收集信息. Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a site. Cookies are widely used by site owners in order to make their sites work more efficiently. SU may use information from cookies for purposes such as website administration or assessing the technical function of this website. SU may also use cookies to track information about which pages you visit within this website to help SU gauge the effectiveness of this website or SU content. Depending on your browser you may be able to disable certain collection methods. This may limit your ability to use some features of this website.

7. 联系网站.  SU may provide links on this website to other sites of interest. Your use of such linked websites is subject to the privacy statements of the providers of those websites. SU encourages you to be aware when you leave this website and to read the privacy statements of each website you visit.

8. 安全措施.  SU works hard to protect the security of the information that you provide to SU. While SU strives to protect your information through measures that protect SU systems, 这种安全是无法保证的. 因此, SU does not insure or warrant the security of information you transmit, 这样做的风险自负.

9. 审核信息.  You may contact us via one of the contact methods described in the http://imminentness.dominikcumhuriyeti.net/policies/

  • 国外博彩app Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy: http://imminentness.dominikcumhuriyeti.net/policies/